The most popular criteria us in this regard by online stores include price (from the lowest, from the highest), popularity, new products (from the newest, from the oldest), rating (average or from the highest rat), name (AZ, ZA). This may interest you Measuring the effectiveness of SEO activities There are many possibilities that we can use when configuring this tool. Therefore, as in the case of filters, you should choose the ones that best suit the specifics of our e-shop and the products offer. For example, if our inventory has few ratings, using the rating sort type will be useless from the customer's perspective. products Appropriate categorization of products.
Already at the stage of creating a website, we should think about how to group our assortment so that the categories are clear to the user. We shouldn't name them in a fancy way that only we Japan WhatsApp Number List can understand. The category tree should be transparent to the user. It is also a good practice to avoid an excessive number of categories, especially if there are only a few products in it. product categorization Source smacodesign.eulampywiszace.html In the screen above, we can see a division bas on the main categories.
This is a good solution for e-shops whose assortment is relatively small. If we have many different products, we can create subcategories that will make it even easier for the user to find the product they are looking for product categorization Source sempik on creating categories it is worth that there are at least products in each category let's hide empty categories when creating a category tree, it is worth consulting a person responsible for SEO activities of our website, who will help us choose names and group products in such a way that they are friendly to Google search engine algorithms and correspond to phrases enter by users into the search engine.